Friday 11 May 2012

Blueberry Soft Cake

By Diana

      I was getting my head around a recipe with blueberries for this week. When I consulted Julie she suggested a clafoutis, which sounded exiting and promising. So I checked more than a few french recipes, but as temperamental french are, all the recipes differed from one another and that enoyed me a little - I am a little bit temperamental myself - and therefore I decided to get creative and tried out my own version. At the end I didn't obtain a clafoutis of course... but a lovely blueberry soft cake. Fruity and sweet, firm and yet soft this cake won't be a dissapointment. Just keep in mind that it is not a cafloutis and you'll be all right! I hope you like it!

© Diana Chaccour


200 g blueberries
120 ml full fat milk
60 ml single cream
75 g caster sugar, plus extra for dusting
100 g all-purpose flour
3 eggs, beaten
50 g unsalted butter, melted.

Preparation method

Heat the oven to 180 C.

Grease a 23 x 14 x 5 cm baking dish with 1 / 3 of the melted butter. 

Now dust the buttered baking dish with caster sugar, be generous. Set aside.

In a bowl, combine the milk, single cream, the rest of the melted butter, sugar and flour. Mix for about 5 minutes using an electric hand mixer.

Arrange your blueberries in the baking pan set aside. Pour gently the entire mixture on top of the blueberries and delicately bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the centre comes out clean.

© Diana Chaccour
© Diana Chaccour

Let it cool completly before serving and enjoy!

© Diana Chaccour

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