Friday 4 May 2012

Vanilla almond chicken with parmesan polenta

by Julie

This time, I wanna share with you a recipe that I have tried in our first wedding anniversary. It is not very time-consuming (as we had a two-month old baby at the time, that was very important for me) and quite easy to do, even if you don’t have much experience in the kitchen, nevertheless it is quite a stunner. Combine it with a healthy salad or try frying some green beans with red apple (weird combo but looks and tastes delicious; two, three minutes in the pan suffice) as a side dish. My husband keeps asking for this dish, even two years after having it for the first time, so I am making it again this week. Maybe you will, too...

© Diana Chaccour


4 skinless chicken breasts halves
2 vanilla pods
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
180 g polenta
500 ml vegetable broth
3 tablespoon unsalted butter
80 g almonds, split
2 eggs, beaten
50 g Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation method

Start by boiling the vegetable broth with butter and polenta, stirring constantly until you get a doughy consistency (should be about 5 to 10 min). Grate the parmesan cheese and add to the polenta, season with salt and pepper.

© Diana Chaccour

Butter a baking pan, spread the polenta and leave it to cool. This can be prepared hours before the actual dinner, so this gives the recipe some bonus points in my eyes.

Preheat your oven to 180°C.

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Now scrape out the vanilla pods and rub the chicken with the vanilla marrow. Beat the eggs with flour, flip your seasoned chicken in it and give them a nice crust of split almonds. 

© Diana Chaccour

Now very carefully, fry them on both sides for a few minutes until the almonds start to brown in a hot pan with olive oil and transfer to the oven to finish. Leave for 10-15 min (depending on the thickness of the breasts).

© Diana Chaccour

If you have, use heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut out polenta hearts from the dough. As we are not complete health nuts, I fried the hearts in butter (mmmh...). 

© Diana Chaccour

and bon appétit!

© Diana Chaccour

© Diana Chaccour

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