Saturday 30 June 2012

Cold Spiced Apple Soup

By Julie 

A little late but finally, the picnic season has opened! The weather until now has not always been so permitting, so we had our first relaxed picnic last weekend and did not have to put our sweaters on and off depending on whether the sun came out behind the clouds or not. To celebrate this occasion, we wrapped up a range of wonderful international delicacies, and my favourite of them is actually an English essential. The English cuisine unfortunately has a bad image around the world, however it can be quite seductive and savoury as this dish proves in my opinion.

If you serve this to a guest, try not to tell them what kind of soup this is and have them guess the main ingredients - you might be surprised!

© Diana Chaccour

Yield: serves 4

20 g butter
1 small onion, chopped finely
1 heaped tsp curry powder
1 l very light stock, this can be chicken stock but it also works with vegetable stock if you are not one of us meat lovers
500 g Granny Smith apples, peeled and chopped
500 g sweeter red apples, peeled and chopped
juice of 1/2 lemon
150 ml whipping cream
handful of mint leaves
1/3 tsp cayenne pepper 

© Diana Chaccour

Preparation method

Start by frying your onion in the butter together with the curry powder until the onion turns a pale golden brown. Pour in the chicken stock (or vegetable stock, alternatively), add the chopped apples and simmer until the apples get entirely soft (this should take about 20 - 30 min).

© Diana Chaccour

Blend this mixture until smooth. Allow to cool, stir in lemon juice and cream. 

Chop your mint leaves finely, keeping some leaves for decoration and whisk in the cayenne pepper. Season with salt.

© Diana Chaccour

Cool completely in the fridge until serving (or until heading out for your picnic). Sprinkle with cayenne pepper for a splash of colour and top with a mint leaf. Enjoy!

© Diana Chaccour

© Diana Chaccour

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