Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sesame Cupcakes

By Julie

One of the problems of being a recipe writer is that you use anything resembling note paper to jot down a recipe while you are cooking and baking, thinking “you will have more time to type it in the computer later...”. That can be an empty egg carton or a supermarket receipt. It only becomes a problem, though, if your husband, in the incredibly sweet attempt to help clean the kitchen afterwards, collects everything closely resembling trash and takes it outside before you know what is happening. Not a bad deal though: I get to make them again and my wonderful husband gets paid for his kitchen duty with cupcakes.

Enjoy our sesame cupcakes of the week!

© Diana Chaccour

Yield: 12 cupcakes
For the dough:
140 g all-purpose flour
80 g corn starch
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 vanilla pod, seeds only
60 g unsalted butter, room temperature (or melted)
90 g caster sugar
60 g honey
2 eggs
2 tablespoons tahini
150 ml buttermilk (or equivalent of 150 ml milk plus one teaspoon of white vinegar)
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

© Diana Chaccour

Plenty of frosting for 12:
250 g cream cheese
2 tablespoon tahini
2 tablespoon castor sugar
Toasted sesame seeds for sprinkling

© Diana Chaccour

Preparation method
First preheat your oven to 180°C / 356°
Mix all the dry ingredients for the dough, cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the delicious content with a knife to add it to the dry mix. Now add the moist ingredients and stir well until you have no clumps left.

© Diana Chaccour

Fill the dough in muffins forms, taking care to leave about one quarter of the form free as they will rise a little. Alternatively, you can use a bread pan but make sure to give them some extra time in the oven.

© Diana Chaccour

After 20-25 min in the oven, they should be of light golden colour. Leave them to cool.
In the meantime, prepare the frosting with the three ingredients. If you like your frosting a little stiffer for piping, add some extra castor sugar, one table spoon at a time. 

© Diana Chaccour

Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top and you are done!

© Diana Chaccour


© Diana Chaccour

© Diana Chaccour

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