Tuesday 4 December 2012

Apple Streusel

by Diana

During many years Venezuela welcomed a significant number of immigrants that contributed to the extensive variety of colours and flavours that can be found today in our country, enhancing its beauty. In the late XIX century a colony of German immigrants, founded a small town in the mountains, called La Colonia Tovar. Nowadays its traditions are still preserved and if you go there, you could find not only the typical German houses but also -and even more important- traditional German food. There are many cafes and restaurants that serve from sausages, spaetzle and pork hock to exquisite cakes and puddings. Furthermore, its location in the mountains favours this tropical German town with a weather cold enough that allows the visitors to enjoy the smell of the smoke in the fireplaces, enriching even more the experience of traveling abroad inside the same country. My husband's favourite form of entertainment while visiting La Colonia Tovar was to go to Cafe Muhstall and to order Apple Streusel. In my ignorance I always thought that apple streusel was the equivalent to apple crumble, which I have made and he has accepted through the years -with inquisitive appraisals-. Only recently I have found out that although similar, the streusel is a different dish, which I adventured myself to make this week. This time he loved it!

I am risking everything here, trying out a german recipe without asking Julie's permision -my very German sister-in-law- I hope she'll be proud! 

© Diana Chaccour