Friday 29 March 2013

Spaghetti Bianchi

By Julie

Malaria No More UK is challenging all of us to live below the line of poverty. The experience of how it feels to have only £1 to spend in a day can indeed be daunting but it is feasible. 1400 million people are doing it today. Every day.

Diana and I are supporting you and Malaria No More UK with a recipe - a traditional Neapolitan poor people’s dish called Spaghetti Bianchi, which has been a staple with my mom and me ever since we discovered it.

P.S.: When I lived in London, I had about £120 left after paying the rent, of which I paid transport, food and everything else. Sounds little in London but I ended up walking a lot and cooking myself through the vegetarian Indian cookbook of Julie Sahni. I still could eat spiced red lentil soup every day. Maybe that could be on your menu tomorrow?

© Diana Chaccour

Yield: serves one 
Price: ~ 25-30 p

100 g spaghetti
1-2 clove garlic
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 red chili pod
an old slice of white toast

© Diana Chaccour

Preparation method

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and add the pasta.

While the spaghetti cook, finely dice garlic and chili. Heat the olive oil and gently fry the condiments on low heat without browning the garlic. Set oil and condiments aside.

© Diana Chaccour

Finely crumble the toast into the same pan and fry it until crispy.

Strain the spaghetti and fold into the oil-garlic-chili mixture. Serve sprinkled with the bread crumbs and eat without distractions - no TV, no smartphone, no music. Give those a thought whose poverty is not self-inflicted for a week.

© Diana Chaccour

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