Thursday 24 April 2014

Baked Plantains with Mozzarella

by Diana

Another common ingredient in the Venezuelan kitchen is plantain. We use it in all its forms and colours, either fallen or pulled from the plant. As I have a sweet tooth, I am going to give you a recipe using ripe plantains. I must say that the use of mozzarella cheese is just an attempt to recreate the white fresh cheese we use back home, but the taste is very similar and equally delicious. Plantains can be found everywhere in London and again in the same places where PAN flour is available, usually Afro-Caribbean markets and the random grocery shop in the middle of nowhere. 

I hope you try it at home. If you are new to plantains please don't be scared, they are just like bananas, only bigger, more versatile and better structured. 


© The Teaspoon

Thursday 10 April 2014

Torta de Pan or Bread Cake

by Diana

One of my favorite Venezuelan cakes is called Torta de Pan or ‘Bread Cake’. A dessert which main ingredient is nothing more than leftover bread, yes, that one that sits on the kitchen for a while and becomes all hard and dry. We want the unwanted bread! You only need a few basic ingredients to bring that poor old bread back to life and a shot of rum to spice it up. The truth is though that without sugar and milk, the result is nothing less than useless breadcrumbs forgotten in the kitchen’s cupboard.

The reason why I am sharing this recipe today is because it beautifully reflects that we are a hard working culture characterized for making the most out of what we have. Unfortunately, when the resources run out it can be very difficult to take advantage of things and to create new unexpected dishes like Torta de Pan. As milk and sugar are very hard, if not impossible, to find at the moment, most people cannot afford to waste a bite of bread. This is sadly, another traditional Venezuelan recipe impossible to make for Venezuelans at home. 

© The Teaspoon