Thursday 24 April 2014

Baked Plantains with Mozzarella

by Diana

Another common ingredient in the Venezuelan kitchen is plantain. We use it in all its forms and colours, either fallen or pulled from the plant. As I have a sweet tooth, I am going to give you a recipe using ripe plantains. I must say that the use of mozzarella cheese is just an attempt to recreate the white fresh cheese we use back home, but the taste is very similar and equally delicious. Plantains can be found everywhere in London and again in the same places where PAN flour is available, usually Afro-Caribbean markets and the random grocery shop in the middle of nowhere. 

I hope you try it at home. If you are new to plantains please don't be scared, they are just like bananas, only bigger, more versatile and better structured. 


© The Teaspoon


2-3 ripe plantains
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
50 gr light brown sugar
50 gr unsalted butter cut into cubes
100 gr white cheese

© The Teaspoon

© The Teaspoon

Preparation method

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.

Peel the plantains and place them in a baking tray prepared with baking parchment. 

Add the sugar, cinnamon and cubes of butter. Cover with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven for approximately 45 minutes or until the plantains are cooked.

© The Teaspoon

Make a longitudinal cut across the cooked plantains and insert the slices of cheese. 

That's it, I hope you like it! 

© The Teaspoon

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