Monday 26 August 2019

Chocolate and Almond Cake - sugar free

by Diana 

As a therapist working in mental health, one of the things I always recommend - and i have tried myself at those struggling phases we all go through from time to time- its a lifestyle modification plan, targeting diet amongst all things. Expectedly, this comes with certain limitations rather than indulgences which is counterproductive when I also encourage self-reward and the occasional praising treat. Not surprisingly most people, myself included, would  have a preference for sugary self-affection as we get the false impression that this will impact our mood positively when, as we all know by now, a sugar excess could have quite the opposite effect. Some will argue that we can’t have all we ask for in life, but the recipe below, replacing sugar for stevia actually works so you can actually have your -tasty- cake and it it! I hope you like it too. 

© The Teaspoon

150g unsalted butter at room temperature 
100g dark chocolate, chopped
50g stevia - or to taste 
2 eggs
75g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
65g walnuts, chopped, plus approximately 10-15 walnut halves

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.
Prepare a baking tin with parchment paper.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath and allow cooling down slightly.
In bowl, use an electric mixer to cream the butter and stevia for approximately 2 minutes. Incorporate the eggs, then the flour and baking powder. Add the melted chocolate, vanilla and the walnuts.
Pour the batter in the prepared tin and top with an arrangement of the walnut halves. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes until cooked in the middle.

© The Teaspoon

© The Teaspoon

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