Monday 23 September 2019

Za'atar Lamb Salad

by Diana 

Salads have been our main evening companion over this last summer, particularly after long days out in the heat. As much as I love a challenge though, It’s hard sometimes to keep up with creativity and offer my family a surprise bowl of freshness on consecutive nights over an entire season without going a bit mad in the kitchen. I am one of those people who enjoy cooking for others rather than for myself so the incentive of caring about my love ones through food allowed me discover new and unexpected concoctions that made our summer around the table a delightful and pleasurable feast of togetherness. Who would have guessed that the humble salad would ever give us such privilege. 

There is not much humbleness in this recipe though with the dried apricots, toasted pine nuts and not to mention the lamb marinated in Za’atar! it can easily be a one-bowl autumn warmer now that the heatwave is long gone. I hope it brings you an unforgettable evening too! 

© The Teaspoon

400g diced lamb shoulder
2 Tbsp Za'atar - I always use Zaytoun's 
6-8 dried apricots - cut in half. 
2 tablespoons pine nuts - toasted (in a pan over high head for 2-3 min). 
70 g red chicory 
70 g rocket
70 g spinach 
100 g edamame beans - cooked 
1/2 red onion - sliced
1 tsp dried parsley 
Extra virgin olive oil 
Salt in flakes
1/4 tsp black ground pepper 

Marinate the diced lamb shoulder with the Za'atar and sauté in a frying pan over medium to high heat until the meat is cooked. Allow to cool down completely before combining it with the rest of the ingredients.
Mix the rocket, chicory and spinach. Incorporate the beans, chopped apricots, red onion, dried parsley and toasted pine nuts. Season with salt and  pepper and drizzle with olive oil when ready to serve. Enjoy!

© The Teaspoon

© The Teaspoon 

© The Teaspoon

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