Monday 10 February 2020

Baby 'Cachapas' or Corn Fritters

by Diana 

I thought I had an exciting food life - with my little blog and collection of recipes and books, not to mention my genuine love for cooking and my experiments in the kitchen. Nothing, however, beats the excitement -and the enormous responsibility- of introducing actual food to a brand new human being. 
My husband and I had our first baby last year and our little one just reached the weaning age last January - I hope this explains somehow the inconsistency of my blog posting frequency!. After not giving it much thought, we decided to give 'baby-led-weaning' a go - combined with the flexibility of a puree here and there - considering his smile consists of a mouthful of gums and not the smallest sight of teeth anywhere - in spite of his temper sometimes.
The whole baby-led-weaning is becoming more interesting as he is curious and brave when it comes to flavours and textures which is just motivating and inspiring for the development of new recipes and dishes that we could all try together. 
I made baby 'cachapas' or corn fritters this morning. This is a Venezuelan classic and almost as popular as arepas are. The good thing about this recipe is that it makes plenty of 'cachapitas' to compensate for those that fly over the living room or end up in unexpected corners of the house. I hope you like them as much as he did!  

© The Teaspoon

(yield 12 fritters)

250 g sweet corn 
100 ml milk of your choice 
1 tbsp unsalted butter 
2 tbsp pre cooked cornflour
4 tbsp all-purpose flour
2 eggs
a pinch of salt (just for the adults)
olive oil spray

In a blender combine all ingredients until you obtain a homogenous batter - similar to pancakes. It's your choice to blend the corn very smoothly or leave it slightly rough but make sure it's somehow mashed as otherwise it could be a choking hazard for the little one. 
Bring a frying pan to medium heat, add a few sprays of olive oil (or just a tablespoon of olive oil and use kitchen towel to spread it over the pan). Once the pan is hot enough pour the batter in small portions of about 15 ml (approximately 2 tablespoons)  and leave them for 1-2 minutes on one side. Bubbles will appear on the surface and that's how you know the mixture is set. Flip each fritter over using a palette knife and leave for another 1-2 minutes. 
You can use as many toppings you wish but if your baby is anything like ours then it could be wiser to leave your toppings as 'side dishes' as otherwise they may end up in remote and unexpected corners of the house. Enjoy!

© The Teaspoon

© The Teaspoon

© The Teaspoon

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