Monday 30 May 2022

Citron Salad

by Diana

Back in November when booking our Easter holidays, we naively imagined that going hiking in the Dolomites was going to imply green pastures, drinking fresh spring water and the ocasional barefoot walk alongside the shores of the lake. And thus, we reached mid April and arrived to a little hotel in the middle of the mountains completely surrounded by the purest white snow.. freshly delivered for us. Our tropical selves managed to survive for a few days with our very unprepared luggage and the unmanaged expectations of the 2 year old we are responsible for, whom we convinced prior traveling that the little hiking trip was going to be just like the one we read in his book, not the Christmas one though. Next time we’ll just trust that the weather app was not just miscalculating our location (otherwise called pre holiday denial!).

So we gathered all our resilience and replanned our trip, returning to Verona where very springy 20C were brightening the city of pink roofs. And from there, we took a round trip to Sirmione, a beautiful town in Lake Garda, where a tulip festival, the sound of non hibernating birds and the discovery of citron fruit were awaiting us. After an idyllic lakeside and almost summery atmosphere, we contemplated the view one more time and sighted of satisfaction whilst tasting citron for the first time, from the touristy fresh fruit stand in the entrance of the old town. We bought one of those oversized lemons to take home and tried, as instructed, its truly delicious salad application. I hope it brightens any weather spoiled holidays to you too. Enjoy!

© The Teaspoon